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JAAPA Podcast

Dec 7, 2024

The American population is aging. In one century, life expectancy in the US rose from 47 to 78. In 2050, 20% of the U.S. population will be older than 65. With this in mind, we must identify ways to improve the quality of the final days of life. In this episode, we explore how the PA profession contributes to palliative care, focusing on symptom management, quality of life, and communication with JAAPA Authors Rebecca Jones and Natalie Mohammad. 


Additional resources mentioned during the podcast available here: 


Palliative Care for PAs:
Physician Associates in Hospice & Palliative Medicine (PAHPM) PAHPM - Home

CAQ in Palliative Medicine & Hospice Care Specialty Certificates - NCCPA


End of Life Training and Serious Illness Conversation Guides


Ariadne Labs Serious Illness Conversation Guide: Serious-Illness-Conversation-Guide.2023-05-18.pdf


RE-MAP: REMAP: A Framework for Goals of Care Conversations | JCO Oncology Practice


Training Courses for breaking bad news & having serious illness conversations


Vital Talk: Home - VitalTalk


PalliTalk: PalliTALK and WeTALK Communication Workshops | Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin–Madison


End of Life Education (from nursing)


ELNEC: End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC)