Feb 7, 2024
In this episode, PA Angela Meredith speaks with Clay, Kim, and Martine about how clinicians, particularly PAs, can be prepared to handle the issue of human trafficking.
Learn valuable information you can use to help patients who may be at risk, important factors to consider implementing at your facility, and useful resources you can utilize today. Don't miss this valuable conversation.
Guest: Angela Meredith, DMSc, PA-C
Linkedin profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/angelameredith
Resources for everyone:
*This is also where you can download the decision-flow chart “Framework for a Human Trafficking Protocol in Healthcare Settings” at https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en/resources/framework-human-trafficking-protocol-healthcare-settings
Resources for clinicians:
And for online training: https://www.train.org/main/search?type=course&query=SOAR